Clinical Examination Skills Training for Community Pharmacists

Prepare for Pharmacy First, with a fully funded, free to access clinical examination skills training resource from the NHS, designed specifically for community pharmacists.

The accessibility of community pharmacies to the public, combined with your knowledge and skills, mean they are perfect locations to manage acute and long-term conditions.

Prepare for Pharmacy First and develop the skills you need to assess patients, treat common conditions, assess high-risk presentations, and to identify high risk red flag presentations.

Optional training sessions

Training sessions are now available in various locations.  Please click on the ‘Register now’ button above to sign up for a session OR to register your interest and preference for additional dates and locations.


Slough: London and South-East:
Friday 19 January 2024, 6pm to 9pm

Manchester: North:
Friday 15 March 2024, 6pm to 9pm


Online: Otoscope training
Thurs 18 January 2024, 6pm to 7:30pm

A short video showcasing the Clinical Examination Skills Training face-to-face session recently delivered in Birmingham

About the training

Who is this training for?

This training is available to all community pharmacists. You may be a locum, you might work for a multiple chain, or even be an independent community pharmacy owner. If you are a pharmacist who works in community pharmacy, the training is available for you.

The training could serve to revalidate your knowledge or gain confidence in clinical examination and the aligned topics, or maybe this is your first step before considering a prescribing qualification. If you are already a prescriber, you may wish to extend your clinical examination skills.

Do I have to pay to access the training?

No. The NHS is funding all course fees and the training is freely available to all community pharmacists and locums.

What modules are available?

  • Gateway module – structured history-taking including vital signs, systems review and identification of serious conditions/red flags.
  • Dermatology to be completed in two sessions, focusing on:
    1. Wound Care – types of wound, wound management and identifying infection.
    2. Skin Conditions and Changes (expected December 2023) – identify the features and manage common skin conditions that present in the community pharmacy (including self-advice) and skin changes that may be cancerous.
  • Cardiology to be completed in five sessions, focusing on:
    1. Atrial Fibrillation
    2. Stroke
    3. Acute Coronary Syndrome
    4. Hypertension
    5. Heart Failure
  • Ear, Nose and Throat – common and serious conditions, ENT examinations. ​
  • Paediatrics – common acute presentations, signs of serious illness, chronic conditions, basic examinations​.

» View the detailed Module Learning Outcomes

How many modules can I study?

In order to receive a Certificate of Completion you must complete the Gateway module and one of the topic focused modules (both parts in the case of Dermatology, 5 parts in the case of Cardiology).  You are however welcome and encouraged to complete as many modules as you woud like.

How long do the modules take to complete?

Each e-learning module takes approximately 1 hour to complete. Upon completion you will get a certificate as evidence of the learning for your continuing professional development.

When will the rest of the modules be released?

The Gateway, Paediatrics, ENT, Cardiology and Dermatology – Wound Care modules are already available.  The final module, Dermatology – Skin Presensations and Changes, will be available in December 2023.  There is no need to wait until the release of the final module to register and work through the other modules.

What are the modules comprised of?

Each module is a combination of formative e-learning, video materials, pre/post assessment questions, as well as a Learning Needs Assessment and Skills Passport for your own reference. Each topic focused module is also supported by optional face-to-face training.

What is the Learning Needs Assessment?

The Learning Needs Assessment (LNA) is a personal tool that allows you to judge your confidence levels at the start and end of the module. The LNA is for your own use only and is neither marked nor assessed.

What is the Skills Passport?

The Skills Passport is a self-assessed checklist that maps the various skills you will cover in the modules according to the following domains:

  • Observed skill (e-learning) – you have completed the e-learning and viewed the videos relevant to this skill.
  • Observed skill (simulation) – you have attended either a face-to-face session and/or an online community of practice session and have seen this skill demonstrated by a clinical educator.
  • Completed (patient facing) – you have used this skill in practice with a patient and are confident in your ability.

As with the LNA, the Skills Passport is for your own use only and is neither marked nor assessed.

How will I be assessed?

For each module there is both a pre-test and post-test. The pre-test is designed to assess your baseline knowledge and as such is not marked, but you must complete it in order to progress the module.

Each module also has a post-test. You will have three attempts to pass the Gateway assessment. The pass mark is 80% (8/10 questions). Revision of the Gateway module content is recommended, as passing the assessment is a mandatory element of the training programme to enable access to the other modules.

For the topic focused modules, two attempts will be allowed to pass the assessment. The pass mark is 80% (8/10 questions). Revision of the module content is recommended.

What happens if I fail the assessment?

Should this happen we will contact you to discuss next steps.

Do I get a certificate?

A certificate is awarded for each module that is successfully completed. The certificate will always be available on your profile page to download.

Is there face-to-face training available?

In addition to the e-learning modules, you will also be able to book onto face-to-face training sessions.  Face-to-face sessions will be delivered in the following locations:

  • Slough: London and South-East – 19th January 2024, 6pm to 9pm.
  • Manchester: North – 15th March 2024, 6pm to 9pm.

Further details on the training sessions, as well as an online booking form, are available on your learning dashboard when you are logged in to the learning platform.  You will also be able to register your interest for additional dates and locations if they become available.

Feedback from our learners

“Really good one-to-one feedback and training”

“Excellent hands on training that cemented the online learning”

“I have done a lot of training in my 14-years of working as a Pharmacist and I would rate this training as excellent.”

“I will definitely recommend it.”

“The session was very informative, very interactive. Absolutely loved it.”

“Would love to attend further sessions with CliniSkills”

“Great to practice skills, very helpful and knowledgeable people to help hone your skill and knowledge.”

“Each workstation was informative and clinically enhanced my understanding in each subject matter, the hands-on experience was vital.”

“Very informative and interactive. Gained so much knowledge.”

“Very educational, enjoyed the day, the team were very supportive.”

“Hands on experience and educative.”

“The staff made the day, very friendly and knowledgeable. A big thank you to all the staff and organisers.”

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